Food for Thought
Air-Fryer Meals
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
Raise your hand in the comments if you got an air fryer during the pandemic 🙋 If you're part of the population that is still unsure what the heck an air fryer can even do to change your life, click the link to keep reading:
"The usual air-fryer specialties such as frozen pizza rolls and tater tots are a no-brainer, but it wasn’t long before savvy cooks realized that their air fryer could make pretty much anything they wanted. Don’t be stunned when a friend pulls her famous homemade cheesecake from the device, baked to perfection in 20 minutes with no cracks or dips.
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Air-Fryer Meals
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
Raise your hand in the comments if you got an air fryer during the pandemic 🙋 If you're part of the population that is still unsure what the heck an air fryer can even do to change your life, click the link to keep reading:
"The usual air-fryer specialties such as frozen pizza rolls and tater tots are a no-brainer, but it wasn’t long before savvy cooks realized that their air fryer could make pretty much anything they wanted. Don’t be stunned when a friend pulls her famous homemade cheesecake from the device, baked to perfection in 20 minutes with no cracks or dips.
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Valentine's Day Essentials
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
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Valentine's Day Essentials
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
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2 Recipes to Kick Off the Perfect Super Bowl Party
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
Whether you’re having the whole gang over, or if it’s just you and your closest loved ones, you’ll want to put delicious, easy-to-eat party foods on the menu. Bellisari’s has the delicious and the easy part done for you.
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2 Recipes to Kick Off the Perfect Super Bowl Party
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
Whether you’re having the whole gang over, or if it’s just you and your closest loved ones, you’ll want to put delicious, easy-to-eat party foods on the menu. Bellisari’s has the delicious and the easy part done for you.
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Gluten Free 101
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
If you suffer from bloating, stomach discomfort, fatigue, constipation, or gas when you eat a plate of pasta or bread, you might want to consider whether you could have a gluten intolerance. Many people believe that if you don’t have celiac’s disease, there is no reason to avoid gluten. I say do what works for you and your body. What have you got to lose? Nothing – because removing cake, cookies, and crackers from your diet will only make you healthier. If you want to try living gluten-free or are preparing meals for someone who avoids gluten, here’s what you need to know.
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Gluten Free 101
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
If you suffer from bloating, stomach discomfort, fatigue, constipation, or gas when you eat a plate of pasta or bread, you might want to consider whether you could have a gluten intolerance. Many people believe that if you don’t have celiac’s disease, there is no reason to avoid gluten. I say do what works for you and your body. What have you got to lose? Nothing – because removing cake, cookies, and crackers from your diet will only make you healthier. If you want to try living gluten-free or are preparing meals for someone who avoids gluten, here’s what you need to know.
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A Plant-Based Diet is Nothing to Fear
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
Humans are naturally omnivores and are adapted to an omnivorous diet. In other words, we can eat plant-based foods and meat. However, vegetarianism, consuming a meat-free diet, is a conscious choice that increasing numbers of people are making for ecological, ethical, and health concerns. Even adding in one meatless meal per week (i.e. Meatless Monday) can ease the burden on Mother Earth and be beneficial to your health. Currently it is estimated that 5% of the US population follows a vegetarian diet. That’s significantly higher than just 5 years ago.
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A Plant-Based Diet is Nothing to Fear
Posted by Annette Bellisari on
Humans are naturally omnivores and are adapted to an omnivorous diet. In other words, we can eat plant-based foods and meat. However, vegetarianism, consuming a meat-free diet, is a conscious choice that increasing numbers of people are making for ecological, ethical, and health concerns. Even adding in one meatless meal per week (i.e. Meatless Monday) can ease the burden on Mother Earth and be beneficial to your health. Currently it is estimated that 5% of the US population follows a vegetarian diet. That’s significantly higher than just 5 years ago.