Barista Pulled Chicken

Posted by Annette Bellisari on

Barista Pulled Chicken

Serves 12


4 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breast

1 jar Bellisari's Barista Sauce

1/4 cup brown sugar, packed

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon olive oil  

1 tsp. garlic powder

1/2 tsp. onion powder

1/2 tsp. smoked paprika

1/4-1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper

12 sandwich rolls


Combine brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, and crushed red pepper in the basin of a slow cooker. Place chicken breasts in sauce and use a spoon to cover with sauce.

Cover and cook on low for 6-7 hours or high 3-4 hours. Chicken is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees and is easily shredded with a pair of forks. Drain excess liquid.

Shred chicken and stir well to coat with Bellisari's Barista Sauce. Serve warm on sandwich rolls with our Saigon Slaw on the side!

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