Spring is such an exciting time of year, especially when it comes to cooking. Spring reminds us that life continually renews itself, that each day is a beginning, and that beautiful things can still grow, even if it’s within ourselves.
To me, almost nothing tastes better than the first few springtime meals. Light, bright, lemony, and packed with peak season produce like peas, asparagus, ramps, and rhubarb. Spring is the ultimate season for fresh produce. Refreshing veggie-forward dishes will awaken your taste buds after winter's heavy meals. In-season herbs, greens, vegetables, and fruits all shine in spring recipes. Your weeknight dinner rotation will benefit from the addition of dishes like Asparagus Puff Pastry Bundles (https://bit.ly/3uIanv8) or use fresh spring peas in this Apple Garnished Blue Cheese, Honey & Shallot Pea Risotto (https://bit.ly/3ec9559). While any springtime event that you host will leave guests buzzing when you have this Chilled Orzo & Asparagus Salad (https://bit.ly/3tbu5za) on the menu.
Thankfully, we finally have warmer weather, flowers blooming, and a renewed zest for achieving our healthiest lifestyle. For many, the onset of spring means that it is a time to prioritize cleaning. For others, spring is a time to start up (or re-start) an exercise regime. These are great ideas, but I think “Spring Cooking” is one of the most powerful ways to improve one’s nutritional intake.
By getting into your “Spring Cooking” you will find yourself making a healthy new habit to be less reliant upon less-wholesome convenience foods. The more practice you get in the kitchen, the more confident and creative you will become. This spring, I challenge you to increase your time cooking by trying new recipes, prioritizing seasonal vegetables and fruit, and encouraging those you cook for to enjoy these delicious, nutritious foods!
As human beings, we are inherently attuned to the environment and are meant to eat the foods that grow around us. Luckily, in spring those foods include a wide array of veggies and fruit that will make you feel nourished while also gently cleansing and resetting your digestive and immune systems, and perhaps the very best thing is that Spring foods are delicious. Happy Spring from all of us at Bellisari’s!