As we count down toward the New Year, many of us will make New Year's resolutions. Most common resolutions involve self improvement. Either physically - lose weight, becoming healthier, stop smoking, etc., or mentally - learn a language, become more patient, be a better friend, etc.
According to Statistic Brain ( about half (48%) of Americans make resolutions for the New Year. However, less than 10% of us achieve our resolution. In fact, most of us who commit to a resolution only continue to work on it for about a month (30 days.)
Why do we struggle with maintaining our commitment and achieving our goals? According to Life Hacks ( the level of success in attaining our resolution is directly related to identifying and executing a "plan" for our goal. Our plan should include tools and resources to help support us during this "challenge.” For example: one of the top resolutions each year is for us to lose weight. For some, they will wake up the day after New Year's (most popular starting day for resolutions) and say - ok - I am going to lose weight. However, it isn't that easy to just say it and then do it. Try instead before New Year's to identify your plan and secure resources to help you lose weight. It might be a meal guide and recipes for the first two weeks, or a shopping list including items that will help with your cravings, or it might be an exercise guide, etc. The point is your chances of success are much greater if you give yourself tools and resources to support you in your endeavor.
So no matter what the resolution is - prepare yourself, help yourself, and commit yourself - and your chances of success will be greatly enhanced.
If your resolution is to enjoy more Bellisari's, we have a plan for you, full of resources and tools to help you achieve your goal. :)
All kidding aside, I wish you a very safe and happy New Year, and nothing but success in the year to come.