New Products Ready to Launch

Posted by Annette Bellisari on

If you are a faithful reader of my weekly blog, I don’t have to tell you how passionate I am about food, cooking, or (especially) Bellisari’s Gourmet Spreads and Sauces.  However, if you are new to the blog or have just discovered our products -- guess what? I LOVE THIS STUFF!! 

While I am definitely a big fan of all of our current products, we are ready to take Bellisari’s to the next level! We are ready to launch delicious new sauces, spreads, and other products to make serving gourmet-quality dishes convenient, but we need your help. In order to get these amazing new items into the hands and kitchens of others that are passionate about food and cooking, we need a cash injection. To elevate Bellisari’s and take this business to the next level, we introduce our iFundWomen Campaign! 

The video with this post will explain more, and you can learn everything that you might want to know from visiting We’ve set an ambitious goal because we are confident in the quality of our products. 

iFundWomen is a different kind of crowdsourcing platform. They see the limited to nonexistent funding options for women entrepreneurs. Women are starting businesses 4.8 times faster than the national average, yet we struggle to access capital without going into debt. Only 1% of all businesses, regardless of the gender of the founder, will ever raise venture capital. So, how do 99% of businesses get their startup funding? At iFundWomen, they believe that nobody should go into debt funding the early days of a business.

  • 72% of female founders cite lack of access to capital as the #1 barrier to starting a business. 
  • 49% of women cite lack of access to coaches and mentors who have “been there, done that” as a major barrier. 
  • 31% of women cite lack of access to a support system, community, and connections to help them level up as another huge barrier to launching a business.

We chose iFundWomen because they provide a platform for women-led businesses to access capital through online fundraising, access to small business grants, expert coaching, professional creative production, a collaborative entrepreneur community, and access to industry connections critical to launching and growing businesses. 

At iFundWomen, they believe that you shouldn’t be forced to give away equity or ownership in your business until you know its potential.  Entrepreneurs on iFundWomen offer rewards related to their business or side-hustle as an incentive to contribute, rather than ownership stake or equity in their company. Bellisari’s is offering some wonderful rewards for different levels of giving. Visit our iFundWomen website mentioned above for full details.

I have literally been working for years on developing these new additions to our product line. I can’t wait for you to try them!

Jim & Annette

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