We have been asked to define the term “Gourmet Convenience" that we use on our jars. To me, the terms “gourmet” and “foodie” have definitely been overused in our industry, but for this food geek, I still get excited when I step foot into a gourmet food store or gourmet section of a grocery store. Now-a-days you can turn on a number of cooking shows, pick up any food magazine, or scan the internet and quickly become versed on what society considers “gourmet food." Gourmet is something that involves high quality and unique flavors that you have carefully put together with a passion.
Now as my boys tell me, not everyone gets as excited as I do about food and think my passion is a bit misguided. That being said, I don’t think I am alone in my excitement in the world of gourmet food.
As a busy working mom I try to keep myself sane by surrounding myself with moms who feel as exhausted and overwhelmed as I do, but also love good food. When we meet to talk about a book, a cuisine from a specific country, or even just to have a glass of wine, we all feel the need to bring a dish that is considered “gourmet”. That is indeed the aftermath of the "foodie industry" that has taken over our society. To attend an event with cheese and crackers just doesn’t cut it anymore. We not only have to be on top of our game at work and home, we now have to even step it up a notch when we are trying to relax with our friends. You and I both know that our friends do not care – they're just happy to see us, but we feel that, as moms, we have to be it “all” and present the best.
Well, that is where gourmet convenience comes into play. At Bellisari’s, we strive to make that gourmet appetizer, entrée, or breakfast dish taste amazing without taking a long time or multiple ingredients to prepare. We want you to walk into that party feeling confident that the appetizer you made is amazing and no one has to know it was amazingly easy. Your mother-in-law doesn’t have to know that you started cleaning two hours before she arrived for Easter Brunch, and started cooking a half an hour before as she gushes over how hard you worked on this amazing meal. To me that is Gourmet Convenience.