Food For Thought- The Heart of Labor Day

Posted by Annette Bellisari on

The Heart of Labor Day

What is Labor Day? According to the Department of Labor - Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

While many people think of Labor Day as the last "Hurrah" of the Summer, or the Kickoff to Fall or Football Season, it is certainly at the very basics a celebration of American workers.

This "Celebration of American Workers" doesn't just end with referring to the workplace or laborers in fields. We need to also celebrate the work of the stay-at-home parents. Sometimes this segment of our population is taken for granted as their work and efforts aren't always recognized. Why are these efforts sometimes not recognized or considered full-time jobs?  Maybe because these activities primarily take place in the home? 

One of our founding principles at Bellisari's is what we call "Gourmet Convenience." In addition to unique and flavorful profile, all of our products are created with the intention of making food and entertaining in the home easy and convenient.

So this coming Monday as we all celebrate Labor Day in our own special way, take time to recognize those in our lives who work (both in and outside the home) for our benefit.

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